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sexta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2015

Perfect Imperfection: Photographer Documents The Beauty Of Animals With Disabilities

From dogs with three legs, to cats born without eyes, Perfect Imperfection celebrates the intrinsic beauty of animals who have overcome adversity and adapted to a physical impairment.
Photographed with care and sensitivity by leading Australian animal photographer, Alex Cearns of Houndstooth Studio, each image leads with the beauty of the animal subject, making their physical issue almost a subtle afterthought.
This series is dedicated to Savannah and Rowdy. Both lived with dignity and joy (RIP).

After constant eye issues, Scrappy had both his eyes removed

Kitten Nimh had both eyes removed after complications from birth

Oompah suffered from mange was rescued and adopted through the Dogs’ Refuge Home of WA

Baby Goat from RSPCA WA who had a broken leg

One eyed Louie

3 legged greyhound Hannah, adopted through Greyhound Angels WA

A blind kitten rescued and cared for by the Bali Animal Welfare Association

Jack the one eyed Pug

Savannah, the beloved Rottweiler had an groundbreaking implant placed into the bone of her front left leg after having half amputated due to an aggressive cancer. RIP

Blind Mia from the Bali Animal Welfare Association

Rupert the 3 legged rescue kitten

Beloved pet Rowdy, who had her front leg removed due to an aggressive cancer. RIP

A baby dove rescued by Todd and Kirsty Gogol, who required an eye and partial skull amputation due to an infection

Bali Pip has mange, rescued by the Bali Animal Welfare Association

Spike the pink and grey Galah was rescued by Possum Valley Animal Sanctuary

A 3 legged rescue puppy saved by the Bali Animal Welfare Association

Rescue pooch Andie from Dogs’ Refuge Home of WA who had mange

Bali Pip who has mange, rescued by the Bali Animal Welfare Association

Barbara, a victim of abuse, who received head and skull injuries, rescued and adopted through RSPCA WA

3 legged greyhound Hannah, adopted through Greyhound Angels WA

Blind puppy Ray Charles was born with out properly formed eyes and was saved by Saving Animals From Euthanasia (SAFE) Perth

Snoopy the 3 legged beagle from the Dogs’ Refuge Home of WA

Beloved pet Rowdy, who had her front leg removed due to an aggressive cancer. RIP

Puppy Spike was suffering from mange and was rescued and adopted through Best Friends Animal Rescue

A 3 legged pup rescued by the RSPCA WA

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